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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hello everybody! How's life ?
      Sometimes you recall your sufferings, anguish, hardships and wonder why you were chosen to suffer. It is not the total truth infact.You forget you have also been chose to be blessed and calm.The hardships only make you feel forced to seek the resons behind them. in that search you want the solutions too.Accept the complications as challenge and sufferings as grace.You are aware of the fact that peace, calmness do not reside outside.If you find it outside that is very short lasting.By little practice you can be happy and contended within yourself,
     Just sit down in a comfortable posture and do nothing.Withdraw from all thinking, relax, take deep breaths and focus the mind on one object.Just be aware of what is happening within you. You are not thinking, yet thoughts are there, you are not imagining still there are images.Meanignless objects,wavering mind,unnecessary worries,different people, their talks, all this stuff need to be suspended and withdrawn. Do not identify with them, Let all the images fall off. Let people disappear from your mind. Keep aside worries.Now you experience the silence.Be in this moment for some time focus with open eyes on light or image of deity. When eyes get stressed, close them and see the reflection inside between the two eyebrows. Concentrate and be stable.Again take deep breathings,watch the inhaling,exhaling for few minutes.Now come out refreshed.Now you are stable in calm mind.

Why do we require meditation ?
Because peace can not be attained through different concepts and thoughts, not hrough different passions and desires, and never through reasoning.Calmness only reflects through meditation on the onlooker.

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